


League: Premier
Team: FC_Vorskla_Stars
Days in game: 3178
on the team account: 106 057 535 101 $

Experience of team: 1100.109/1500
Quantity of footballers: 27
Salary expenses for all footballers: 574 027 100 $
Stadium: Ворскла 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Sergiy Dolganski   23.785 0 11 428 500 175
full-backs D
  Volodymyr Chesnakov 19.725 0 10 050 500 1
  Igor Perduta 24.115 0 10 160 000 949
  Grigoriy Yarmash 27.115 0 12 567 200 99
half-backs MD
  Vitaly Kobzar 25.110 44 11 912 000 310
  Oleksandr Sklyar 34.324 0 14 318 600 1003
  Zoran Pavlovich 19.570 0 9 836 000 0
  Jovan Markoski   41.660 162 18 019 500 555
forwards FC
  Vladyslav Kulach 65.535 1760 27 253 600 949
  Yuriy Reznik 17.085 52 7 996 800 99
  Roman Bezus 18.105 146 7 139 300 300
reserve: 16
goalkeepers GK
  Andriy Kovtun   36.700 0 17 428 500 0
  Oleg Morgun   65.535 0 40 504 500 0
full-backs D
  Armend Dallku   65.535 0 41 502 600 0
  Yordan Petkov   32.395 0 13 860 500 0
  Vladimir Dychko   36.235 0 16 089 000 0
  Debatik Curri     20.485 0 9 908 500 0
  Igor Machogan   65.535 0 40 838 600 0
half-backs MD
  Alexander Omelchuk   65.535 1 41 562 300 0
  Oleg Krasnoperov   65.535 0 40 773 700 0
  Serhiy Kravchenko   65.535 0 39 615 100 0
  Igor Kostyuk   65.535 0 40 974 900 0
22 Radu Nunweiler   27.780 57 11 626 900 1003
  Lazar Tufegdzic   31.300 362 12 457 500 1143
forwards FC
  Vasil Sachko   64.615 0 30 339 000 0
  Sergey Chuychenko   60.940 0 29 247 000 0
99 Vazgen Manasyan   14.785 0 6 616 500 0
total: 27 / 25 1100.109   574 027 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 39.857 74.698
center 148.894 83.648
right flank 22.21 41.655
Power of stuff: 410.964
trainer Mykola Pavlov (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.5191 games: 4515
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.7085 games: 2191
The number of won private leagues: 6

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Ukraine   699 554  
total   16 699 554 1