


League: Premier
Team: FC_Vaduz_
Days in game: 1223
last login 2 days ago
on the team account: 5 312 057 970 $

Experience of team: 326.159/500
Quantity of footballers: 17
Salary expenses for all footballers: 123 991 500 $
Stadium: Mini 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Gion Fadri Chande 20.580 0 9 440 100 540
full-backs D
53 Mario Buhler 15.975 0 7 199 700 575
  Axel Borgmann 16.290 0 7 089 700 926
  Marvin Pfrunder 17.180 0 6 275 800 487
half-backs MD
99 Marco Mathys 21.125 49 7 628 600 315
25 Nicolas Hasler 20.105 29 7 686 400 255
26 Simone Grippo 17.515 36 7 587 700 543
  Philipp Muntwiler 21.840 194 9 071 100 810
  Dejan Janjatovic 18.285 42 6 365 800 326
forwards FC
21 Gonzalo Zarate 20.785 720 5 755 500 1082
15 Andrew Jung 28.684 1264 5 627 100 1098
reserve: 6
goalkeepers GK
39 Benjamin Siegrist   20.575 0 7 946 100 213
half-backs MD
7 Diego Ciccone   16.560 1 7 658 200 4
49 Maurice Brunner     19.975 38 7 286 400 326
20 Franz Burgmeier     20.325 30 7 645 300 318
17 Yones Felfel   15.620 1 7 192 300 20
forwards FC
255 Aldin Turkes   14.740 46 6 535 700 72
total: 17 / 25 326.159   123 991 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 58.019 51.982
center 29.246 51.007
right flank 45.269 48.345
Power of stuff: 283.87
trainer Gert Engels (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.2428 games: 985
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.4643 games: 1834
The number of won private leagues: 16

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   16 216  
total   1 16 216 1