


League: Premier
Team: FC_Urartu
Days in game: 2970
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 1 649 330 352 $

Experience of team: 927.631/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 240 694 700 $
Stadium: tough 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Aleksey Solosin 19.270 0 5 512 900 1003
full-backs D
4 Aleksandr Likhachev 18.766 0 5 302 300 998
5 John Salas 16.882 0 5 127 800 778
2 Marcos Gonzalez 15.988 0 5 058 000 690
half-backs MD
88 Andriy Sydorchuk 12.456 147 786 800 907
89 Anthony Andreu 15.775 325 959 000 1087
11 Jorge Araya 21.764 465 5 248 700 796
forwards FC
14 Walter Ponce 32.245 1687 5 418 700 608
18 Patricio Rubio 22.086 820 5 054 900 482
7 Virguez Osorio 21.589 733 5 082 300 536
12 Brian Leiva 30.027 1586 5 284 300 487
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
77 Kevin Okogo   63.303 3051 13 705 300 869
full-backs D
77 Lasha Salukvadze   44.374 1398 13 232 400 398
77 Jan Eriksson   36.990 385 15 729 600 107
77 Julian De Guzman   63.293 2902 14 244 800 885
77 Daniel Stanese   61.985 3047 13 128 500 864
half-backs MD
77 Izet Hajrovic   51.837 1693 16 020 200 460
77 David Pizarro   60.385 3164 12 612 700 880
77 Romano Fogli   28.525 0 12 492 000 0
forwards FC
77 Brandley Kuwas   51.375 283 22 466 100 167
77 Frank McGarvey   59.840 1918 18 648 400 523
77 Mario Salgado   56.727 2780 11 969 000 778
77 Fabian Saavedra   61.212 2839 14 158 700 792
77 Jeisson Vargas   60.937 2893 13 451 300 883
total: 24 / 25 927.631   240 694 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 39.035 29.134
center 76.43 63.224
right flank 56.775 30.296
Power of stuff: 294.897
trainer Valery Karpin (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.7896 games: 1694
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.0733 games: 10211
The number of won private leagues: 20

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Armenia   11 208  
Chile   73 672  
total   3 84 880 2