


League: Premier
Team: FC_Ukraine
Days in game: 3930
on the team account: 23 295 778 623 $

Experience of team: 962.048/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 340 039 700 $
Stadium: Черноморец 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Alex Smithies 65.535 0 11 339 200 172
full-backs D
2 Dylan Crowe 65.535 10 28 471 700 1197
3 Cameron Pring 65.535 0 29 079 200 1162
half-backs MD
5 Connor Randall 65.535 560 22 857 500 1197
6 Callum Harriott 65.535 1766 28 347 700 1197
4 Joe Williams 65.535 1222 31 418 500 1197
forwards FC
7 Josh Sims 65.535 3502 12 029 600 1197
8 Fraizer Campbell 65.535 2099 31 079 400 1190
9 Zak Ansah 65.535 1524 24 518 100 1197
10 Demetri Mitchell 65.535 3052 16 444 000 1197
11 George Maris 65.535 3470 14 359 700 1197
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
22 Billy O Brien   14.492 0 5 934 300 220
full-backs D
2 Cameron Humphreys-Grant   17.892 0 6 842 700 321
3 Alex Sola   17.582 0 6 768 000 355
  Jordan Amavi     18.765 0 7 137 300 280
half-backs MD
100 Mahmoud Abdelmonem   17.856 16 6 845 700 336
78 Danil Lipovoi   18.228 25 6 928 400 336
31 Craig Spooner   18.150 12 6 896 600 264
  Andraz Sporar   18.387 79 6 841 000 325
forwards FC
1 Ippei Shinozuka   20.810 183 7 281 700 263
1 Romaric Yapi   18.842 45 7 039 600 73
111 B Morris   19.121 57 7 087 200 134
19 Tomi Juric   21.710 117 7 637 600 188
10 Michael Sebalinga   19.328 192 6 855 000 313
total: 24 / 25 962.048   340 039 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 212.987 156.19
center 141.991 56.796
right flank 212.987 156.19
Power of stuff: 937.145
trainer Holger Osieck (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.2846 games: 2935
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9726 games: 13632
The number of won private leagues: 33

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   476 350  
England   0  
total   12 476 350 2