


League: Premier
Team: FC_Barcelona
Days in game: 5903
on the team account: 15 516 508 731 $

Experience of team: 341.27/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 103 530 900 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
15 Victor Kristiansen 2.520 0 104 900 153
half-backs MD
13 Johan Neeskens 2.901 1 86 900 31
6 Leovegildo Junior   2.558 6 101 000 107
6 Franky Van Der Elst 2.091 30 377 200 970
10 Jari Litmanen 4.951 3 971 500 1188
forwards FC
42 Kristian 5.964 162 327 300 361
11 Jan Ceulemans   4.730 27 232 600 131
20 Kamaldeen Sulemana 2.658 43 151 800 267
11 Giuseppe Meazza 7.639 330 486 000 786
9 Ladislav Kubala 4.933 34 266 800 125
reserve: 15
goalkeepers GK
1 Jean-Marie Pfaff     20.865 0 7 759 500 22
1 Sepp Maier   5.005 0 273 900 49
25 Giorgi Mamardashvili   2.565 0 370 300 729
full-backs D
6 Ivan Helguera   25.055 0 9 024 500 10
half-backs MD
4 Patrick Vieira   25.185 4 9 041 400 17
5 Sergio Busquets   5.000 6 321 400 77
10 Rai Souza   25.060 4 9 003 200 20
10 Yevhen Konoplyanka     65.535 799 20 327 600 1106
17 Alejandro Garnacho   20.700 0 7 713 900 3
21 Luis Enrique     2.930 19 309 300 440
forwards FC
7 Claudio Caniggia   25.275 15 9 038 500 20
7 Dwight McNeil   1.345 0 123 500 0
9 Gianluca Vialli   25.255 13 9 037 900 20
11 Roberto Mancini   25.290 15 9 042 800 20
11 Fabrizio Ravanelli   25.260 14 9 037 200 19
total: 25 / 25 341.27   103 530 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 10.698 0.831
center 15.176 8.554
right flank 17.021 0.942
Power of stuff: 53.225
trainer Josep Guardiola (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.8298 games: 8336
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.0042 games: 168506
The number of won private leagues: 864
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   293  
Ecuador   775  
Greece   1 027  
Spain   51 332 830  
total   1030 51 334 925 1