


League: not entered
Team: FC_Angel_City
Days in game: 6262
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 261 794 491 003 $

Experience of team: 1464.81/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 538 250 800 $
Stadium: Angel 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
77 Fernando Pacheco 57.390 0 19 911 900 948
full-backs D
77 Miguel Torres 39.975 0 13 606 600 183
77 Jose Angel 49.145 13 17 976 500 198
77 Manuel Sanchis 46.165 0 16 600 000 162
half-backs MD
77 Jorge Burruchaga 56.005 110 18 536 900 1011
77 Carlos Valderrama 57.750 235 19 462 400 1021
77 Omar Mascarell 47.500 112 16 367 900 264
forwards FC
77 Imanol Agirretxe 49.005 226 16 993 000 264
77 Eduardo Herrera   51.335 419 16 978 800 423
77 Davie Selke 51.910 450 17 149 200 423
77 Henrik Larsson 51.340 408 16 994 200 423
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
99 Andoni Zubizarreta   65.535 0 25 271 500 341
full-backs D
99 Andoni Goikoetxea   65.535 0 25 543 400 329
99 Michel Salgado     65.535 0 25 257 400 291
99 Fernando Hierro   65.535 0 25 283 100 328
half-backs MD
99 Angel   65.535 53 25 506 100 258
99 David Albelda   65.535 53 25 345 800 301
99 Josep Guardiola     65.535 195 24 983 100 216
99 Txiki Beguiristain   65.535 187 25 155 900 269
forwards FC
99 Alvaro Morata   65.535 1207 23 282 400 720
99 Jesus Maria Satrustegui   65.535 425 25 795 800 372
99 Emilio Butragueno   65.535 63 25 050 300 46
99 Diego Costa     55.335 2 21 945 100 2
99 Aritts Aduriz     65.535 541 25 483 800 453
99 David Villa   65.535 722 23 769 700 500
total: 25 / 25 1464.81   538 250 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 171.014 122.42
center 41.166 97.419
right flank 167.592 125.16
Power of stuff: 724.773
trainer Miguel Angel Lotina (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 5.1024 games: 8228
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 11.0688 games: 2309
The number of won private leagues: 0

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   0  
Brazil   0  
England   438  
Finland   295  
France   1 044  
Germany   2 057  
Greece   612  
Italy   803  
Netherlands   686  
Portugal   722  
Russia   1 444  
Spain   350 000 009  
Sweden   1 140  
Switzerland   761  
Turkey   655  
Ukraine   812  
total   7015 350 011 478 1