


League: not entered
Team: FCNapoli
Days in game: 4332
last login 4107 days ago
on the team account: -4 068 968 798 $

Experience of team: 131.773/200
Quantity of footballers: 19
Salary expenses for all footballers: 13 336 900 $
Stadium: Stadio San Paolo 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
60 Michele Mangiapelo 4.805 0 258 200 214
full-backs D
13 Stefano Ferrario   6.122 0 494 500 830
3 Gonzalo Cozzoni 6.429 0 481 600 726
  Vincenzo De Sario 6.602 0 617 500 1192
half-backs MD
7 Miomir Vukovic 6.769 65 499 200 731
6 Andrej Zugelj 7.238 83 549 900 848
  Alexander Siebeck   9.667 42 1 927 900 1031
3 Juan Ortiz 9.158 218 653 400 1014
forwards FC
  Federico Silvestri 22.844 1141 5 101 900 927
41 Frank Opoku 11.839 557 726 100 1101
reserve: 9
full-backs D
4 Jacopo Pregnolato   3.020 0 141 200 211
5 Roberto Pepe   5.720 0 336 500 357
half-backs MD
  Michael Weber   3.133 15 129 100 145
13 Nikos Mitrou   3.237 0 211 800 400
  Alessandro Albi     5.141 7 273 200 215
8 Karim Benounes     3.753 13 192 500 263
forwards FC
  Andrew Morrow   7.732 274 382 000 382
1 Bedi Buval   4.995 3 202 100 6
43 James Spray   3.569 59 158 300 208
total: 19 / 25 131.773   13 336 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 20.094 10.965
center 43.917 29.073
right flank 4.399 10.46
Power of stuff: 118.91

Official matches: wins/losses 1.5424 games: 163
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.4905 games: 2451
The number of won private leagues: 28
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Italy   7 620  
total   1 7 620 1