


League: not entered
Team: Eire
Days in game: 960
on the team account: 9 628 426 620 $

Experience of team: 239.351/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 98 183 400 $
Stadium: Bóthar Lansdún 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Nick Colgan 6.690 0 1 530 000 104
full-backs D
  Kenny Cunningham   9.820 0 4 711 900 593
  Paul McShane 9.915 0 4 515 500 45
  Ian Harte 19.292 0 5 505 300 1173
  Seamus Coleman 14.760 0 6 999 800 294
half-backs MD
  Jake Doyle Hayes   9.826 2 4 536 600 72
  Jayson Molumby 1.518 41 338 000 957
  Connor Ronan   3.545 19 556 400 1191
  Wes Hoolahan 4.010 74 448 900 863
forwards FC
  Niall Quinn 5.385 182 412 000 613
  Kyle Lafferty 4.275 22 238 400 182
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Dean Kiely   10.704 0 4 850 800 0
  Paddy Kenny   10.674 0 4 836 200 0
full-backs D
  Gary Breen   10.652 0 4 824 400 0
  Richard Dunne   10.668 0 4 832 800 0
  Gary Doherty   10.692 0 4 844 800 0
  Paddy Mulligan   10.642 0 4 820 200 0
half-backs MD
  James McClean   10.680 0 4 838 800 0
  Liam Scales   10.678 0 4 837 800 0
  Conor Hourihane   10.710 0 4 854 200 0
77 Alan Browne   10.678 0 4 838 600 0
  Graham Kavanagh   11.569 0 5 530 800 0
forwards FC
  Iain Dowie   10.682 0 4 839 800 0
  Norman Whiteside   10.676 0 4 836 800 0
77 Robert Brady   10.610 0 4 804 600 0
total: 25 / 25 239.351   98 183 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0.493 28.963
center 15.697 27.809
right flank 8.75 29.012
Power of stuff: 110.727
trainer Stephen Kenny (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.3179 games: 557
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9423 games: 6292
The number of won private leagues: 85
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Germany   2 745  
Ireland   2 351  
total   2 5 096 1