


League: Premier
Team: Eintracht
Days in game: 4624
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 10 803 406 372 $

Experience of team: 352.106/500
Quantity of footballers: 15
Salary expenses for all footballers: 144 566 500 $
Stadium: Commerzbank-Arena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
33 Jens Grahl 13.735 0 5 180 500 608
full-backs D
  Philipp Worner 20.955 0 9 271 600 1096
12 Eric Durm 23.180 0 10 849 700 142
  Danilo Oliveira   21.150 0 9 559 100 1028
half-backs MD
13 Sigetosi Hasebe   25.965 65 9 898 200 342
  Onur Kazazi 25.240 129 10 927 100 857
  Alessandro Albanese 9.995 0 4 510 800 10
255 Sebastian Rode 23.670 68 10 481 200 640
forwards FC
255 Charles Abi 65.535 2210 26 181 400 1071
  Fabian Windhagen 14.175 29 6 501 400 85
  Dzanan Mehicevic 13.945 11 6 466 100 49
reserve: 4
goalkeepers GK
77 Lucas Pirard   21.966 406 5 861 900 671
half-backs MD
5 Makoto Hasebe     25.170 115 10 884 400 852
forwards FC
99 Timothy Chandler   22.915 233 7 721 600 426
1 Steven Zuber   24.510 212 10 271 500 305
total: 15 / 25 352.106   144 566 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 23.588 57.035
center 101.836 49.834
right flank 51.489 51.02
Power of stuff: 334.805
trainer Bob Bearpark (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.9395 games: 6636
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1479 games: 9322
The number of won private leagues: 24

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Germany   130 295  
Switzerland   200  
total   6 130 495 1