


League: Premier
Team: Eastern_Bloc
Days in game: 2407
on the team account: 110 167 326 705 $

Experience of team: 389.706/500
Quantity of footballers: 26
Salary expenses for all footballers: 175 470 300 $
Stadium: Štadión Antona Malatinského 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Stevan Stojanovic 15.055 0 6 958 000 240
full-backs D
  Ilija Najdoski 12.285 0 5 763 500 408
  Miodrag Belodedici 10.030 0 4 720 000 381
  Ladislav Jurkemik 9.880 0 4 744 500 571
  Anton Ondrus 11.420 0 5 361 100 309
half-backs MD
  Ladislav Vizek 10.000 39 4 867 800 841
  Hristo Bonev 10.205 76 5 127 500 518
  Antonin Panenka 14.220 95 6 021 200 785
forwards FC
  Zdeněk Nehoda 11.310 95 4 939 000 240
  Georgi Asparuhov 15.280 433 5 549 100 764
  Dragisa Binic 14.775 656 1 426 600 1071
reserve: 15
goalkeepers GK
  Borislav Michailov   10.900 0 4 932 000 0
  Ivo Viktor   46.060 0 21 757 500 0
full-backs D
  Trifon Ivanov   17.095 0 8 064 500 0
  Karol Dobias   15.976 0 7 571 000 0
  Jan Pivarnik   17.740 0 8 388 500 0
  Slobodan Marovic   13.645 0 6 229 500 0
half-backs MD
99 Cicinho     17.125 0 8 488 500 0
  Refik Sabanadzovic   11.680 0 5 550 500 0
  Yordan Letchkov   10.660 0 5 048 000 0
  Lubomir Moravcik   16.945 0 7 777 500 0
  Krasimir Balakov   17.845 0 8 203 500 0
99 Serghei Covalciuc   17.875 0 8 469 500 0
forwards FC
  Nandor Hidegkuti   14.065 0 6 648 500 0
  Marian Masny   10.900 0 4 926 000 0
  Hristo Stoichkov   16.735 0 7 937 000 0
total: 26 / 25 389.706   175 470 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 25.707 33.737
center 33.66 33.171
right flank 19.864 27.352
Power of stuff: 173.492
trainer Ljupko Petrovic (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.7752 games: 1946
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.7935 games: 20032
The number of won private leagues: 97

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Serbia   11 850  
Slovakia   4 026  
total   2 15 876 1