

League: not entered
Team: DynamoKiev1927
Days in game: 1061
last login 397 days ago
on the team account: 128 198 370 085 $

Experience of team: 278.315/500
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 109 055 800 $
Stadium: RSK OLIMPIYSKIY KYIV 249 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
12 Andriy Zaporozhan 10.830 0 4 766 000 579
full-backs D
71 Yegor Smirnov 13.450 0 4 925 400 737
22 Igor Nagornyi 11.990 0 4 907 600 815
27 Yaroslav Kutsyaba   11.950 0 4 923 400 871
half-backs MD
21 Ivan Grebenyuk 10.405 17 4 597 900 238
9 Adam Janos 11.530 61 4 816 800 659
8 Evgeniy Kononenko 11.845 25 4 908 600 883
forwards FC
  Chibuzor Nwogbo 18.990 829 5 111 700 1077
10 Ivan Pets 14.435 341 5 004 300 973
11 Ilya Tereshchenko 15.060 406 5 032 300 1007
  Yevhenniy Pavlov 15.270 422 5 035 500 1007
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
11 Dmitry Kozachenko   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
full-backs D
  Mykhaylo Ryashko   11.350 0 4 772 200 549
  Ivan Shelest   9.970 0 4 551 500 124
3 Andriy Yatlenko   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
4 Dmytro Dotsenko   4.845 0 214 000 48
half-backs MD
  Oleksiy Klak   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
8 Igor Korzhuk   10.470 7 4 569 400 155
  Alihan Ozturk   9.975 2 4 520 000 68
forwards FC
7 Taras Puchkovskyy   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
99 Antti Ulmanen   10.670 114 4 567 200 179
115 Tymofiy Postoyuk   10.565 41 4 536 600 64
222 Cem Unal   14.715 445 4 795 400 549
  Stanislav Bilenkyi   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
total: 24 / 25 278.315   109 055 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 23.598 31.768
center 39.514 36.056
right flank 41.724 16.817
Power of stuff: 189.48
trainer Gimarayesh Alekhandro (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.1847 games: 745
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.2313 games: 10474
The number of won private leagues: 48
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   488  
Armenia   0  
Australia   282  
Austria   356  
Azerbaijan   334  
Belarus   1 185  
Belgium   411  
Brazil   0  
Bulgaria   0  
Cameroon   359  
Chile   145  
Colombia   71  
Croatia   627  
Cyprus   0  
Czech   163  
Denmark   803  
Ecuador   60  
Egypt   204  
England   588  
Estonia   33  
Finland   118  
France   804  
Georgia   446  
Germany   429  
Ghana   306  
Greece   135  
Ireland   107  
Israel   200  
Italy   448  
Japan   438  
Kazakhstan   147  
Latvia   0  
Lithuania   28  
Mexico   23  
Moldova   572  
Netherlands   502  
Nigeria   0  
Norway   0  
Paraguay   0  
Peru   331  
Poland   75  
Portugal   502  
Romania   6  
Russia   997  
Scotland   87  
Serbia   0  
Slovakia   139  
Slovenia   142  
South Africa   58  
Spain   893  
Sweden   188  
Switzerland   120  
Turkey   242  
USA   499  
Ukraine   600 050 009  
Uruguay   0  
Venezuela   0  
Wales   0  
total   12078 600 065 100 2