


League: Premier
Team: DnisterKP
Days in game: 767
on the team account: 654 182 514 $

Experience of team: 183.637/200
Quantity of footballers: 14
Salary expenses for all footballers: 48 405 500 $
Stadium: Dnister SOK 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Oleksandr Lytvynenko 9.855 0 4 505 000 28
full-backs D
106 Balsa Goranovic 10.632 0 4 658 600 388
  Oleksandr Viksych 7.482 0 1 715 500 579
3 Cheick Keita 10.622 0 4 658 600 388
2 Lukas Scholz 12.045 0 4 687 600 278
half-backs MD
55 Alvaro Bravo Jimenez 14.447 186 1 014 200 1164
7 Roland Alberg 19.880 372 5 124 600 810
8 Airton Silva Nascimento 13.857 175 890 000 1066
forwards FC
18 Eoin Doyle 21.167 741 5 008 500 461
15 Daivison   19.931 459 5 093 000 803
  Wajdi Mejri 22.190 692 7 040 600 1102
reserve: 3
goalkeepers GK
  Oleksiy Mayboroda     6.329 0 600 400 1121
full-backs D
  Artur Avdyukhin   7.717 0 1 714 500 551
half-backs MD
20 Oleksiy Bondarenko   7.483 32 1 694 400 588
total: 14 / 25 183.637   48 405 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 44.315 42.306
center 38.673 32.063
right flank 30.605 22.773
Power of stuff: 210.737
trainer Griga Stanislav (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.3286 games: 294
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.0024 games: 1538
The number of won private leagues: 7
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Norway   2 058  
total   1 2 058 1