


League: Premier
Team: Dinamo_Kiev
Days in game: 5855
on the team account: 71 689 648 037 $

Experience of team: 598.622/750
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 217 628 000 $
Stadium: Dinamo im. Loban 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
255 Jorge Nicolas Figal 13.225 0 5 719 800 232
5 Gregory Wuthrich 12.660 0 5 222 200 385
  Jakob Glesnes 15.160 0 5 240 100 881
2 Olivier Mbaissidara Mbaizo 12.705 0 5 493 600 352
half-backs MD
7 Alberto Aquilani 13.925 63 5 481 000 424
  Alexander Bernhardsson 11.150 4 5 089 700 26
7 Anastasios Chatzigiovannis 13.450 13 6 054 300 164
18 Odysseus Velanas 27.748 878 7 289 700 816
forwards FC
  Aimen Mahious 27.583 908 5 807 800 1059
10 Maksim Samorodov 35.425 1574 7 164 400 1051
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
7 Lorenzo Montipo   13.855 0 6 414 000 0
50 Walter Benitez   24.910 0 11 821 500 0
full-backs D
255 Rocky Bushiri   25.510 0 12 165 000 1
1 Oliver Casey   29.120 0 13 861 200 8
255 Ivan Ordets   24.440 0 11 695 200 8
111 Birger Meling     24.740 0 11 729 700 8
half-backs MD
18 Pepelu   28.730 0 13 702 500 0
15 Sven Bender   24.160 0 11 559 000 0
  Daiju Sasaki   25.135 0 11 967 000 0
2 Amine Bassi     24.960 0 11 922 600 18
forwards FC
29 Jonathan Ozziel Herrera   62.240 2598 15 507 500 1152
7 Fran Brodic   41.220 1872 8 229 800 981
3 Zymer Bytyqi   19.915 0 9 414 000 0
7 Brian Rodriguez   46.656 2318 9 076 400 1017
total: 24 / 25 598.622   217 628 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 59.32 21.497
center 28.573 53.082
right flank 43.104 32.359
Power of stuff: 237.937
trainer Valeri Lobanovsky (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.4143 games: 4921
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3588 games: 26615
The number of won private leagues: 27

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Ukraine   152 499 513  
total   3050 152 499 513 1