


League: Premier
Team: DesnaChernigiv
Days in game: 767
last login 4 days ago
on the team account: 7 092 601 670 $

Experience of team: 226.3/500
Quantity of footballers: 19
Salary expenses for all footballers: 75 523 000 $
Stadium: Avangard 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Vitaliy Onopko 8.150 0 2 126 000 47
full-backs D
7 Igor Kurylo 6.295 0 865 800 101
  Yevgenii Chagovets 6.350 0 879 000 36
  Petro Stasyuk 8.140 0 2 081 000 39
3 Roman Goncharenko 9.795 0 4 600 200 289
27 Evgen Tkachuk 8.170 0 2 144 000 47
half-backs MD
  Francois Cisse 10.732 70 4 879 300 688
  Maksym Bogdanov 10.100 25 4 659 000 248
  Serhiy Stepanchuk   9.755 9 4 595 800 289
  Oleh Ilyin 7.995 0 2 081 900 47
forwards FC
255 Mykhaylo Kostenko 8.236 91 2 106 500 375
reserve: 8
goalkeepers GK
  Vitaliy Zhupanskyi   8.935 0 2 422 500 0
12 Valeri Yurchuk   10.605 0 4 897 200 193
full-backs D
22 Christian Worns   16.050 0 7 573 500 42
222 Arvid Brorsson   17.620 0 7 641 600 173
half-backs MD
1 Sebastian Ernst     12.132 140 4 943 700 688
forwards FC
7 Marc Nicati   29.620 1303 6 381 800 952
  Aleksandr Sergeev   19.920 579 5 451 500 1114
10 Matko Babic   17.700 539 5 192 700 175
total: 19 / 25 226.3   75 523 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 19.185 26.759
center 6.77 29.102
right flank 9.828 30.184
Power of stuff: 121.83
trainer Greg Ion (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.4025 games: 477
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.5092 games: 1803
The number of won private leagues: 25
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Russia   5 576  
total   1 5 576 1