


League: Premier
Team: DatenButton
Days in game: 5418
last login 3 days ago
on the team account: 2 325 710 986 $

Experience of team: 867.47/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 449 893 500 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
12 Sebastiano Rossi 4.450 0 1 625 500 549
full-backs D
5 Alessandro Costacurta 4.450 0 1 630 000 549
6 Filippo Galli 2.450 0 330 000 549
4 Mauro Tassotti 4.430 0 1 625 500 902
3 Paolo Maldini 7.450 0 4 630 000 549
half-backs MD
45 Giovanni Trapattoni   2.040 32 1 755 400 1154
21 Andrea Pirlo 7.235 0 4 607 000 549
7 Demetrio Albertini 7.245 4 4 612 300 551
forwards FC
  Marco van Basten 8.155 104 4 623 800 530
9 Filippo Inzaghi 3.680 168 345 100 551
13 Daniele Massaro 1.420 43 163 600 364
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Sven Ulreich     65.535 0 36 943 000 177
1 Dogan Alemdar   65.535 152 29 068 900 143
full-backs D
88 Frank Rijkaard   65.535 248 40 211 100 237
1 Bilal Ceylan   65.535 139 41 746 800 177
1 Bunyamin Balci   65.535 0 33 463 500 0
1 Ravil Tagir   65.535 136 39 976 800 159
half-backs MD
1 Emre Demir   65.535 31 32 371 900 0
9 Abdulkadir Omur   59.040 19 25 538 000 58
forwards FC
1 Melih Bostan   65.535 2500 35 069 400 718
  Cihan Canak   27.355 0 12 841 500 0
1 Enis Destan   49.610 1 20 675 700 0
  Semih Kilicsoy   23.110 0 9 213 000 0
  Ruud Gullit   65.535 0 34 658 400 23
1 Ali Akman   65.535 210 32 167 300 0
total: 25 / 25 867.47   449 893 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 10.867 14.531
center 12.627 17.392
right flank 1.846 10.579
Power of stuff: 67.845
trainer Clemens Westerhof (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.7270 games: 4760
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 3.3232 games: 36320
The number of won private leagues: 22

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Denmark   355 608  
Portugal   1 873  
Sweden   1 877  
total   50 359 358 1