


League: Premier
Team: Crno-Beli
Days in game: 4036
on the team account: 21 131 871 512 $

Experience of team: 1246.088/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 756 520 000 $
Stadium: JHA 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
12 Fahrudin Omerovic 39.637 0 18 639 400 337
full-backs D
14 Ljubomir Radanovic 42.965 0 21 221 800 494
5 Radomir Antic 15.937 0 7 067 800 716
2 Zoran Mirkovic 31.680 0 14 668 500 367
20 Fahrudin Jusufi 21.412 0 9 653 100 787
half-backs MD
  Albert Nadj 59.907 43 27 347 800 360
10 Borivoje Djordjevic 39.830 64 18 417 300 518
10 Slavisa Jokanovic 21.105 7 9 875 000 69
forwards FC
  Nenad Bjekovic 47.425 519 20 307 500 467
  Milan Galic 18.040 544 3 653 300 925
13 Fadil Vokrri 37.715 392 16 133 100 518
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Ivica Kralj   52.060 0 24 763 500 0
22 Milutin Soskic   65.535 0 51 354 000 0
full-backs D
2 Vujadin Stanojkovic   65.535 0 40 173 000 0
13 Darko Milanic   65.535 0 47 566 500 0
  Ljubomir Mihajlovic   65.535 0 51 693 000 0
20 Nenad Stojkovic   65.535 0 49 590 000 0
half-backs MD
  Aleksandar Trifunovic   65.535 1 50 838 400 0
22 Sasa Ilic   65.535 0 49 292 200 0
13 Zlatko Cajkovski     65.535 0 40 054 500 0
7 Dragan Ciric   65.535 0 46 887 600 0
14 Zlatko Zahovic   65.535 0 39 798 600 0
forwards FC
  Dragan Mance     32.440 0 15 165 000 0
11 Branko Zebec   65.050 0 31 230 000 0
17 Savo Milosevic   65.535 12 51 129 100 0
total: 25 / 25 1246.088   756 520 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 61.973 68.314
center 107.784 101.594
right flank 42.921 105.756
Power of stuff: 488.346
trainer Ljubisa Tumbakovic (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.5524 games: 4676
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.7816 games: 33829
The number of won private leagues: 175

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Russia   341  
Slovenia   4 847 122  
total   98 4 847 463 1