


League: Premier
Team: Congo
Days in game: 1504
on the team account: 607 875 975 $

Experience of team: 194.92/200
Quantity of footballers: 14
Salary expenses for all footballers: 73 795 100 $
Stadium: Leopold 249 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Herve Lomboto 14.040 0 4 992 600 803
full-backs D
  Harlain Mbayo 11.345 0 5 220 500 233
10 Kilitcho Kasusula 10.955 0 5 018 000 87
  Ungenda Muselenge   17.350 0 5 273 400 1183
half-backs MD
10 Christian Kinkela Fuanda 11.660 40 5 037 500 352
  Tschicuma 18.135 158 5 222 100 1048
90 Daniel Nii Adjei 11.715 2 5 378 900 71
36 Omenuke Mfulu 12.045 61 5 159 200 303
forwards FC
  Mike Mutyaba 12.465 30 5 551 000 71
  Ousmane Cisse   22.345 660 5 525 900 1095
  Wa Kubanza Ushindi 16.565 372 5 007 100 748
reserve: 3
half-backs MD
  Josephy Kamwendo   11.925 2 5 450 900 47
forwards FC
  Sio Zonabio   12.390 14 5 638 900 48
77 Mianga Ndonga   11.985 38 5 319 100 93
total: 14 / 25 194.92   73 795 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 35.042 42.147
center 20.121 35.734
right flank 49.041 24.114
Power of stuff: 206.202
trainer Derrick Boison (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.0652 games: 1102
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.0865 games: 5062
The number of won private leagues: 15

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belgium   12 675  
total   1 12 675 1