


League: Premier
Team: Colorado_Town
Days in game: 3396
on the team account: 467 365 391 $

Experience of team: 389.465/500
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 113 618 000 $
Stadium: Eric 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Javi Varas   4.500 0 375 000 456
full-backs D
44 Francesco Molinero   4.560 0 373 600 436
29 Alex   4.520 0 214 000 85
half-backs MD
23 Alex Raphael Meschini 4.840 30 372 500 414
22 Cheik Tiote 4.620 2 226 300 99
28 Ever Banega   4.760 24 374 400 412
11 Nene 4.255 23 437 300 624
41 Lewis McGugan   4.880 40 317 000 293
forwards FC
43 Ezequiel Lavezzi   7.130 275 417 600 419
44 Alvaro Negredo 6.165 174 404 900 428
66 Andre Pierre Gignac 3.000 0 80 600 0
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
16 Diego Alves     17.337 0 5 175 300 717
99 Jaume Domenech Sanchez   4.918 0 227 400 66
full-backs D
222 Sean Cipriott   13.318 256 4 620 800 72
59 Ney Carioca   12.806 0 4 741 800 276
62 Edson Braafheid     14.202 0 2 149 600 712
half-backs MD
4 Gabriel Aquilina   65.535 0 31 923 100 0
6 Justin Grioli   65.535 0 31 362 100 0
5 Nigel de Jong   20.148 742 4 996 400 260
23 Cristian Omar Maidana     22.317 467 5 675 700 903
49 Oscar Gil   23.315 490 5 645 700 924
66 Francesco Valiani   23.117 781 5 127 200 547
forwards FC
20 Giuseppe Costantino   26.402 1143 5 612 500 1050
47 Fernando Cavenaghi   27.285 1473 2 767 200 1093
total: 24 / 25 389.465   113 618 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 5.401 9.327
center 21.401 14.03
right flank 9.587 9.45
Power of stuff: 69.198
trainer Giovanni Ferrari (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.7179 games: 1872
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.8473 games: 45932
The number of won private leagues: 42

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Cameroon   45 382  
total   2 45 382 1