


League: not entered
Team: Chilly_Willy
Days in game: 3505
on the team account: 1 047 294 344 $

Experience of team: 898.509/1050
Quantity of footballers: 22
Salary expenses for all footballers: 326 127 000 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
1 Claudio Bravo 17.940 0 7 628 900 182
full-backs D
2 Rafael Olarra 12.002 0 5 339 800 183
  Mauricio Isla 13.785 0 6 104 700 244
  Haver Margas 12.025 0 5 357 000 189
222 Eugenio Mena 10.185 0 4 547 500 83
half-backs MD
2 Marco Estrada 12.107 26 5 318 800 217
  Charles Aranguiz 12.159 28 5 552 100 274
  Matias Fernandez 12.364 55 5 310 100 217
forwards FC
  Nicolas Ibanez 10.100 10 4 512 500 13
206 Kenwyne Jones 11.465 112 4 604 900 128
reserve: 12
goalkeepers GK
  Sergio Livingstone   54.327 0 21 801 600 1198
255 Eduardo Lobos   64.700 1265 22 107 300 1198
full-backs D
12 Pablo Contreras   65.535 0 29 847 800 1187
4 Gonzalo Jara   65.535 1525 18 024 300 1194
half-backs MD
21 Manuel Iturra   65.535 1821 24 996 200 1197
51 Claudio Maldonado   65.535 2661 20 626 000 1198
  Carlos Carmona   65.535 1012 41 989 600 1197
forwards FC
99 Reinaldo Navia   65.535 2601 17 251 100 1198
9 Humberto Suazo   65.535 3313 15 403 400 1198
  Junior da Silva Vitoria   65.535 1640 22 421 400 1197
11 Eduardo Vargas   65.535 3130 15 942 900 1196
14 Fabian Orellana   65.535 2333 21 439 100 1197
total: 22 / 25 898.509   326 127 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 21.014
center 27.78 42.787
right flank 26.741 43.044
Power of stuff: 161.368
trainer Malcolm Crosby (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.8477 games: 986
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 12.7429 games: 514
The number of won private leagues: 6

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Chile   5 092  
Italy   4 578  
total   2 9 670 1