


League: not entered
Days in game: 5595
last login 1358 days ago
on the team account: 1 047 967 218 712 $

Experience of team: 0/45
Quantity of footballers: 0
Salary expenses for all footballers: 0 $
Stadium: Toyota park 250 th. seats
home| away
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 0
center 0 0
right flank 0 0
Power of stuff: 0
trainer Steve Clarke (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.2606 games: 7829
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.7378 games: 540259
The number of won private leagues: 7833

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   149 023  
Armenia   2 746  
Australia   205 233  
Austria   33 339  
Azerbaijan   39 562  
Belarus   30 728  
Belgium   23 832  
Brazil   118 756  
Bulgaria   74 293  
Cameroon   1 880  
Chile   496 549  
Colombia   75 772  
Croatia   237 963  
Cyprus   229 464  
Czech   14 482  
Denmark   6 581  
Ecuador   261 005  
Egypt   2 656  
England   1 245 700 009  
Estonia   1 338  
Finland   75 618  
France   214 493  
Georgia   11 434  
Germany   720 260  
Ghana   235 325  
Greece   123 591  
Ireland   247 133  
Israel   266 629  
Italy   1 604 645  
Japan   53 220  
Kazakhstan   53 874  
Latvia   2 909  
Lithuania   59 310  
Mexico   89 538  
Moldova   118 135  
Netherlands   232 168  
Nigeria   3 928  
Norway   256 920  
Paraguay   3 079 054  
Peru   176 003  
Poland   134 252  
Portugal   49 667  
Romania   134 723  
Russia   612 678  
Scotland   502 291  
Serbia   548 155  
Slovakia   489 897  
Slovenia   79 863  
South Africa   1 194 017  
Spain   793 069  
Sweden   547 982  
Switzerland   136 758  
Turkey   16 925  
USA   13 573  
Ukraine   633 818  
Uruguay   518 961  
Venezuela   1 924  
Wales   126 119  
total   25567 1 261 864 070 58