


League: not entered
Team: Bucaspor
Days in game: 4680
last login 2340 days ago
on the team account: -8 264 146 319 $

Experience of team: 181.808/200
Quantity of footballers: 23
Salary expenses for all footballers: 40 038 800 $
Stadium: Buca Arena 248 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Kemal Mert Ozyigit 12.713 8 5 101 700 692
full-backs D
80 Mustafa Kicikli 4.955 0 200 000 5
78 Kadir Bilimlier 10.870 0 4 747 000 290
111 Taha Can Velioglu   4.950 0 201 000 8
half-backs MD
6 Oguz Sabankay   17.224 208 5 497 100 1185
25 Omer Kanberoglu 11.265 40 4 755 500 290
23 Hasan Karakas   16.362 132 5 485 900 1167
24 Sercan Gerenkaya 4.900 0 206 000 28
forwards FC
11 Idris Demir 15.470 369 4 998 200 535
7 Furkan Kesikbas 4.975 14 220 300 60
8 Deniz Pero 4.905 4 207 800 33
reserve: 12
goalkeepers GK
91 Melih Vardar   8.095 0 606 900 864
full-backs D
99 Egemen Zengin   6.514 0 390 000 403
23 Onur Sirin     4.995 0 209 700 31
44 Murat Ruzgar     8.535 0 694 700 1032
half-backs MD
17 Civar Cetin     7.381 51 481 600 597
  Mehmet Incebacak   0.997 2 26 300 25
43 Ahmad Hashimi   6.800 60 393 900 357
9 Marco Massei   7.348 66 460 000 553
  Kerem Arslan   0.993 0 26 100 25
6 Gokhan Kuzay   6.096 89 315 400 269
forwards FC
27 Deniz Herber     5.055 32 209 300 25
55 Burak Aydin   10.410 7 4 604 400 13
total: 23 / 25 181.808   40 038 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 3.661 15.604
center 31.493 36.365
right flank 29.075 24.961
Power of stuff: 141.162
trainer Engin Firat (4 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.5091 games: 1450
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.3857 games: 13209
The number of won private leagues: 286

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   4  
Turkey   15 972  
Ukraine   1 672  
total   1 17 648 1