


League: Premier
Team: Belgian
Days in game: 3997
on the team account: 7 527 185 388 $

Experience of team: 928.23/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 376 943 300 $
Stadium: Achter de Kazerne 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
2 Georges Heylens 25.465 0 11 548 900 16
5 Philippe Albert 21.635 0 9 490 400 46
15 Michel Renquin 15.085 0 6 329 400 20
half-backs MD
6 Marc Degryse 20.145 1 7 982 600 34
17 Marc Wilmots 15.295 0 6 576 400 16
8 Frank Vercauteren 24.120 33 9 570 700 94
16 Wilfried Van Moer 16.025 5 6 844 400 20
77 Leon Semmeling   57.369 313 22 867 300 1188
forwards FC
17 Tom Lawley 26.270 9 11 552 100 19
55 Colin Clarke 65.535 1783 20 593 200 1139
20 Vesli Sonk 65.535 1256 21 391 500 865
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Michel Preudhomme   30.930 0 14 174 500 43
21 Filip De Vilde   48.880 0 20 331 700 984
full-backs D
4 Georges Gruen   40.685 0 18 704 500 604
88 Jean Thissen   37.775 0 16 083 400 424
3 Maurice Martens   36.705 74 13 904 600 934
13 Luc Millecamps   44.530 0 19 156 300 693
14 Walter Meeuws   53.905 0 22 506 300 1028
half-backs MD
19 Rene Vandereycken   40.860 68 18 108 400 438
18 Nico Van Kerckhoven   44.700 236 17 780 300 841
7 Enzo Scifo   31.000 0 14 283 000 128
23 Simone Pepe   33.610 12 15 649 600 55
forwards FC
9 Francois Van Der Elst     62.206 828 21 092 200 568
10 Paul Van Himst   37.955 79 16 104 000 150
99 Nico Claesen   32.010 63 14 317 600 97
total: 25 / 25 928.23   376 943 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 15.921 36.41
center 96.688 58.038
right flank 95.136 57.135
Power of stuff: 359.33
trainer Franky Vercauteren (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.4509 games: 5031
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 4.7194 games: 1203
The number of won private leagues: 16

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belarus   463  
Belgium   190 058 556  
Bulgaria   1 350  
England   715  
Germany   1 325  
Greece   296  
Italy   781  
Latvia   235  
Lithuania   1 172  
Russia   1 850  
Slovenia   867  
Sweden   74  
Ukraine   481  
total   3802 190 068 165 1