


League: Premier
Team: Beer_teem
Days in game: 5402
last login 2 days ago
on the team account: 283 955 138 612 $

Experience of team: 339.25/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 155 645 700 $
Stadium: Beer stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Wladimiro Falcone 10.005 0 4 554 600 133
full-backs D
7 Mateo Musacchio 16.590 0 7 835 100 197
  Lorenzo De Silvestri 10.050 0 4 577 100 133
1 Robert Kenedy 13.110 0 6 315 100 133
half-backs MD
  Hernanes 16.590 56 7 946 800 730
255 Federico Nicolas Cartabia 13.205 8 6 063 700 133
17 Jose Machin 12.770 2 5 849 000 64
2 Siem De Jong 14.205 53 6 325 700 235
forwards FC
23 Karl Toko Ekambi 16.740 95 7 701 600 126
7 Simone Verdi 18.085 104 7 970 400 157
11 Roberto Insigne 11.965 60 5 219 600 122
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Luigi Sepe   13.015 0 5 968 500 0
21 Vincenzo Fiorillo   11.920 0 5 353 500 0
full-backs D
13 Davide Biraschi   14.845 0 6 852 000 0
2 Marco Varnier   14.725 0 6 796 500 0
  Kastriot Dermaku   11.365 0 5 158 500 0
  Federico Fazio   12.640 0 5 790 000 0
9 Arturo Calabresi   14.815 0 6 879 000 0
4 Sebastiano Luperto   13.240 0 6 025 500 0
half-backs MD
  Bruno Zuculini   14.415 5 6 655 500 20
  Gaston Pereiro   12.730 0 5 839 500 0
21 Bruno Nazario   14.590 0 6 759 000 0
20 Eric Remedi   14.545 0 6 730 500 0
forwards FC
12 Matteo Luigi Brunori   10.315 0 4 618 500 0
255 Luis Muriel   12.775 0 5 860 500 0
total: 25 / 25 339.25   155 645 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 15.554 21.378
center 47.764 45.749
right flank 37.484 31.375
Power of stuff: 199.307
trainer Erwin Ballabio (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.1683 games: 7987
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.0648 games: 56407
The number of won private leagues: 132

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   18 246 984  
Brazil   293  
England   314  
France   364  
Germany   470  
Italy   915  
Netherlands   543  
Russia   628  
Spain   290  
Ukraine   402  
total   400 18 251 203 1