


League: Premier
Team: Baby_Yoda
Days in game: 1533
on the team account: 502 598 866 $

Experience of team: 112.858/200
Quantity of footballers: 17
Salary expenses for all footballers: 26 635 600 $
Stadium: none 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Aarni Voutilainen 2.135 2 172 400 322
full-backs D
  Akes da Costa Goore 1.405 0 192 000 443
  Anibal Alzate 2.880 0 80 000 12
  Agris Otankis 1.575 0 81 600 150
  Adam Ujvarosi 0.575 5 95 400 287
15 Alexey Vologzhanin 2.575 0 81 600 47
half-backs MD
  Adam Brown 2.445 0 80 000 57
44 Alexandros Veletis 0.800 15 135 000 371
  Ales Ceh 1.325 1 393 500 994
  Fabinho   2.600 42 419 900 967
forwards FC
  Adam Balajti 2.405 0 108 800 134
reserve: 6
full-backs D
3 Kevin Lafrance   20.022 781 4 843 800 218
26 Antonio Lopez   12.228 0 4 685 000 220
  Ahmad Jalali   2.800 0 80 000 22
22 Alexander Bogach   12.228 0 4 685 000 220
half-backs MD
5 Yassin Maouche   22.290 370 5 288 300 902
35 Curro Sanchez   22.570 538 5 213 300 777
total: 17 / 25 112.858   26 635 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 1.153 0.868
center 0.579 0.237
right flank 1.315 1.141
Power of stuff: 5.296
trainer Henrik Larsen (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.0753 games: 269
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.7208 games: 10342
The number of won private leagues: 27
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Scotland   11 567  
total   1 11 567 1