


League: First B
Team: Axiom
Days in game: 2804
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 825 221 753 $

Experience of team: 952.672/1050
Quantity of footballers: 23
Salary expenses for all footballers: 245 347 600 $
Stadium: Ax 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Andres Fernandez 17.829 17 5 491 500 722
full-backs D
26 Isidoro 19.236 149 5 366 200 845
3 Francisco Jose Rodriguez 19.240 145 5 354 600 847
4 Diego Caballo 19.420 180 5 450 800 765
5 Manuel Rubiales 19.223 132 5 361 900 861
2 Ivan Rodriguez del Pozo 19.265 86 5 392 500 909
half-backs MD
  Aleksandr Ivarinen   11.014 114 768 200 1029
18 Ismael Lopez Blanco   21.496 418 5 388 600 791
forwards FC
77 Juan Munoz Munoz 33.597 1673 5 891 600 744
81 Jose Luis Zalazar 30.347 1548 5 408 600 502
17 Ruben Sobrino 30.044 1335 5 447 800 722
reserve: 12
goalkeepers GK
66 Ilias Rchidi     53.562 851 17 881 200 881
full-backs D
22 Badr Kadouri     56.437 1633 15 762 200 915
33 Mourad Jalliti   57.001 1878 14 695 800 797
44 Michael Chretien   56.521 1125 18 082 400 877
half-backs MD
55 Kristoffer Tokstad   65.535 2696 15 989 500 917
6 Gustavo Varela   65.535 2708 16 241 100 876
forwards FC
7 Gonzalo Mastriani   65.535 2618 17 565 600 855
12 Federico Rodriguez   65.535 2515 17 535 600 889
9 Admir Bajrovic   65.535 2952 16 722 500 942
10 Anibal Gonzalez   65.535 2961 16 599 200 934
88 Haver Portilo     29.695 1100 6 420 900 1080
11 Geoffrey Castillion   65.535 2977 16 529 300 903
total: 23 / 25 952.672   245 347 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 39.057 45.275
center 69.464 74.454
right flank 39.451 45.217
Power of stuff: 312.92
trainer Bondarenko Viktor (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.4271 games: 1756
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 3.7664 games: 1449
The number of won private leagues: 13

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
England   26 847  
Peru   1 910  
Uruguay   1 994  
total   1 30 751 3