


League: Premier
Team: Austria_Wien
Days in game: 4140
on the team account: 15 750 635 741 $

Experience of team: 852.4/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 351 362 500 $
Stadium: Prater 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
40 Matteo Meisl 23.040 0 10 854 000 1
55 Nigel Worthington 65.535 1947 17 773 600 1198
46 Johannes Handl 19.595 0 7 987 800 13
29 Markus Suttner 16.995 0 7 162 300 6
111 Lukas Spendlhofer 22.920 0 10 317 300 5
half-backs MD
77 Anouar El Moukhantir 19.795 3 8 331 900 27
77 Niels Hahn 25.190 25 10 844 800 104
111 Marios Pechlivanis 20.390 0 8 478 400 9
forwards FC
111 Manprit Sarkaria 22.680 5 9 510 300 13
92 Marco Djuricin 19.785 5 8 307 400 11
255 Claudio Lopez 24.230 34 10 868 600 64
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
50 Saku Pesonen   34.900 0 15 916 800 14
99 Mirko Kos   45.680 0 19 450 200 719
full-backs D
77 Christian Junior Schoissengeyr   47.365 0 19 840 600 929
77 Stephan Zwierschitz   41.420 0 17 975 000 649
111 Petar Gluhakovic   39.620 0 16 989 500 377
4 Ville-Valtteri Starck     52.325 0 21 617 700 1019
half-backs MD
77 Can Keles   34.540 44 15 564 400 231
111 Dominik Prokop     55.010 336 22 084 900 1058
77 Alexander Grunwald   33.290 0 15 686 000 63
16 Wilhelm Kreuz     46.895 92 20 647 600 587
forwards FC
111 Kevin Friesenbichler   63.200 969 20 550 900 519
111 Kike Mateo   40.165 119 18 277 000 182
77 C Monschein   37.835 127 16 325 500 153
total: 24 / 25 852.4   351 362 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 36.158 60.549
center 6.796 71.918
right flank 67.045 36.361
Power of stuff: 278.83
trainer Olli Huttunen (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 4.3698 games: 4966
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 4.2640 games: 1704
The number of won private leagues: 36

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Armenia   67 963  
Austria   7 773 954  
Bulgaria   262  
England   1 800  
Finland   9 026 350  
France   390  
Germany   121  
Israel   699  
Latvia   459  
Lithuania   153  
Netherlands   138  
Poland   228  
Russia   1 626  
Serbia   222  
Slovenia   920  
Spain   1 416  
Ukraine   819  
total   343 16 877 520 1