


League: Premier
Team: Ashanti_Gold
Days in game: 1212
on the team account: 1 052 151 592 $

Experience of team: 480.319/500
Quantity of footballers: 22
Salary expenses for all footballers: 112 548 300 $
Stadium: Ghana 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Aleksandr Mokin 6.150 1 478 600 763
full-backs D
  Anaz Hadee 5.560 2 422 000 654
  Abdullah Shuhail 4.985 0 459 800 746
  Aleksander Maslic   5.135 0 587 200 1186
  Filip Drozd 5.755 9 609 000 1153
  Adli Lachheb 4.780 0 425 500 686
half-backs MD
  Adrian Lazar   1.800 78 343 700 899
6 Fredy Arizala 4.785 1 209 200 41
33 Alexander Gein 9.223 31 591 200 584
9 Osvaldo Mackenzie 12.173 76 1 044 100 1109
forwards FC
  Alex Czerniatynski 2.530 131 165 800 328
reserve: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Declan Brown   16.405 0 7 597 500 0
full-backs D
12 Chris Casement   16.525 0 7 683 000 0
26 Rory McKeown   16.240 0 7 510 500 0
32 Jordan Watson   16.375 0 7 582 500 0
half-backs MD
20 Steven Davis   49.525 2445 10 619 300 683
7 Daniel Rooney   49.950 2403 10 848 900 672
8 Paul Dixon   50.573 2451 11 136 400 676
93 Stuart Elliott   50.177 2447 10 904 500 678
forwards FC
46 Collins John     50.868 2421 11 279 600 688
10 Talgat Sabalakov   50.104 2418 10 866 700 684
11 Jurgen Damm   50.701 2428 11 183 300 693
total: 22 / 25 480.319   112 548 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 12.119
center 21.147 31.609
right flank 0.9 14.659
Power of stuff: 80.436
trainer Volodymyr Lozynskyi (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.3558 games: 401
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3285 games: 4055
The number of won private leagues: 27
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Ghana   3 999  
total   1 3 999 1