


League: Premier
Team: Andorra
Days in game: 1223
last login 16 days ago
on the team account: 263 915 996 $

Experience of team: 228.266/500
Quantity of footballers: 17
Salary expenses for all footballers: 88 410 400 $
Stadium: Andora la Vella 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
13 Alessandro Favaro 10.220 0 4 586 500 177
full-backs D
5 Benjamin Kessel 11.440 0 5 109 500 60
  Felipe Rodriguez Chacartegui 11.337 0 5 159 600 102
4 Kevin Kraus 10.945 0 4 938 100 140
half-backs MD
21 Giuliano Modica 11.520 31 5 108 300 186
  Simon Skarlatidis 11.230 12 5 014 900 140
  Oscar Ceren 11.035 27 4 673 800 318
9 Carlo Sickinger 11.740 3 5 297 600 124
forwards FC
3 Muhamed Kiprit 12.775 0 5 793 000 0
255 Nacho Diaz 21.060 550 5 318 100 1129
  Juan Antonio Miguel Gonzalez 22.704 769 5 375 800 1168
reserve: 6
full-backs D
2 Florian Dick   11.825 0 5 379 000 130
144 Marcel Correia   11.765 0 5 302 000 53
  Janik Bachmann   11.290 0 5 088 600 135
half-backs MD
  Dylan Esmel   12.410 4 5 593 300 16
forwards FC
  Jurgen Vatnikaj   23.015 761 5 362 400 1000
215 Lukas Spalvis   11.955 22 5 309 900 52
total: 17 / 25 228.266   88 410 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 36.687 25.829
center 27.982 30.675
right flank 38.421 30.21
Power of stuff: 189.806
trainer Geza Kalocsay (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.0000 games: 1099
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9933 games: 2270
The number of won private leagues: 7

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Spain   14 137  
total   1 14 137 1