


League: Premier
Team: AC_Le_Havre
Days in game: 310
on the team account: 3 464 598 652 $

Experience of team: 381.939/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 152 152 800 $
Stadium: stadeoceane 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
2 Timothy Dieng 13.640 0 5 783 800 467
full-backs D
  Fabien Centonze 11.480 0 4 828 400 538
2 Luiz Felipe Ramos 11.455 0 4 708 800 366
  Femi Seriki 12.170 0 5 149 200 624
  Ismael Diallo   13.580 0 5 831 200 543
half-backs MD
2 Otavio Monteiro   11.895 53 4 766 000 543
1 Lukas Engel 13.165 62 5 351 800 599
255 Ignacio Saavedra 11.585 23 4 760 000 543
  Kevin Stoger 12.785 113 4 736 900 386
forwards FC
10 Matheus Pereira 10.050 66 4 549 600 168
  Joao Batxi 13.255 153 4 864 900 452
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
88 Bailey Peacock-Farrell   18.227 0 8 520 700 0
255 Carlos Acevedo   10.790 0 4 843 200 400
full-backs D
  Roberto Fernandez   15.100 0 6 975 500 16
255 Jakub Vilakic   12.565 0 5 751 000 0
2 Matthias Bader   13.885 0 6 379 500 0
half-backs MD
50 Stilian Petrov   16.720 0 7 872 000 0
  Emil Forsberg   16.360 0 7 716 000 0
2 Jens Stage   13.360 0 6 175 500 0
255 Cristian Portugues   10.760 28 4 871 500 233
forwards FC
  Ruslanbek Jiyanov   10.660 0 4 822 500 0
50 Luis Aragones   14.830 0 6 942 000 0
255 Vitali Lisakovich   34.530 750 12 245 000 275
2 Alfredo Morelos   34.822 1405 8 128 200 1166
2 Maximiliano Gomez   24.270 915 5 579 600 1196
total: 25 / 25 381.939   152 152 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 25.788 39.583
center 31.674 41.333
right flank 7.731 29.463
Power of stuff: 175.575
trainer Harry Hibbs (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.3629 games: 320
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.4693 games: 2465
The number of won private leagues: 36

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
France   202 637  
total   10 202 637 1