


League: Premier
Team: 3bobra
Days in game: 1655
last login 2 days ago
on the team account: 610 794 948 $

Experience of team: 203.521/500
Quantity of footballers: 17
Salary expenses for all footballers: 78 009 900 $
Stadium: Gryzon 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Artem Malysh 9.995 0 4 532 500 85
full-backs D
  Walter Neto 10.760 0 4 786 800 653
2 Patrick Okeke 10.130 0 4 566 300 157
half-backs MD
3 Vyacheslav Podberyezkin 12.077 91 4 881 800 770
55 Almir Bekic 10.462 14 4 587 700 152
14 Dusan Kerkez 4.790 0 200 600 21
6 Carmen Hoefflin   12.745 166 4 965 600 953
forwards FC
5 Beka Mikeltadze 11.075 71 4 572 900 104
9 Vaclav Sverkos 12.890 209 4 824 000 559
  Yuriy Vereshchak 15.137 409 4 956 400 814
23 Victor Tereshchenko 14.262 348 4 882 100 689
reserve: 6
full-backs D
  Alfons Sampsted   10.995 0 4 852 900 787
22 Jurica Vranjes   17.160 0 8 259 400 6
  Henry Espinoza   17.721 0 6 936 400 1143
  Maciej Dampc   11.012 0 4 840 900 751
forwards FC
222 Eugeniu Rebenja   17.520 538 5 163 600 1035
  Senad Repuh   4.790 0 200 000 21
total: 17 / 25 203.521   78 009 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 38.696 14.725
center 32.767 24.172
right flank 26.716 24.538
Power of stuff: 161.617
trainer Frantisek Lanak (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.2173 games: 1188
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.4195 games: 1379
The number of won private leagues: 5

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Poland   17 114  
total   1 17 114 1