


League: Premier
Days in game: 4593
on the team account: 10 143 376 058 $

Experience of team: 300.93/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 140 055 100 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Adam Ingi Benediktsson   9.705 0 4 598 400 344
full-backs D
  Alf Inge Haaland 9.850 0 4 955 700 638
  Johan Bangsbo 9.570 0 5 007 800 865
half-backs MD
  Tai Abed 9.590 33 4 665 800 553
  Ebrima Darboe 10.400 49 4 807 800 638
  Hamza Akman 10.105 43 4 706 600 615
  Samu Costa 11.060 131 4 737 700 646
forwards FC
  Jardell Kanga 11.145 169 4 682 200 496
  Sang-bin Jung 12.275 255 4 762 500 646
  Maximiliano Araujo   10.620 103 4 620 600 337
  Peter Gonzalez 13.465 302 5 568 500 746
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Mads Christiansen   14.470 0 6 699 000 0
full-backs D
  Ethan Amundsen-Day   13.465 0 6 450 500 0
  Casper Widell   13.480 0 6 458 000 0
  Henning Berg   13.225 0 6 333 500 0
4 Brede Hangeland   1.680 4 345 000 950
2 Leo Fuhr Hjelde   14.335 0 6 872 000 0
half-backs MD
  Morten Gamst Pedersen   10.660 0 5 060 000 0
  Bruno Zapelli   14.065 0 6 732 500 0
  Martinelli   14.020 0 6 710 000 0
6 Maximilano Oyedele     14.440 0 6 684 000 0
forwards FC
11 Magnus Holte   14.335 0 6 867 500 0
66 Jacob Emile Dicko Eng   14.035 0 6 717 500 0
14 John Carew   16.690 0 8 189 500 0
  Dor Turgeman   14.245 0 6 822 500 0
total: 25 / 25 300.93   140 055 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 40.059 25.395
center 26.254 23.984
right flank 22.717 10.965
Power of stuff: 149.377
trainer Kasper Hjulmand (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.0136 games: 6488
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.7738 games: 165304
The number of won private leagues: 948

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   1 011 310 236  
Armenia   943  
Australia   1 018 559 638  
Austria   1 905  
Belarus   1 008 665 375  
Belgium   1 077 422 665  
Brazil   18 812 756  
Bulgaria   1 030  
Chile   1 081 918 951  
Denmark   1 023 051 830  
England   8 349 654  
France   1 044 192 977  
Germany   1 174 547 004  
Greece   1 818 093  
Ireland   1 000 965 502  
Italy   950 623 645  
Japan   1 091  
Kazakhstan   1 726 427  
Lithuania   1 615  
Mexico   2 050  
Netherlands   1 008 629 368  
Norway   705  
Portugal   1 821  
Romania   1 027  
Russia   5 172 794  
Slovakia   1 738  
Spain   1 006 454 266  
Sweden   1 472  
Switzerland   1 031 485 419  
Turkey   426  
USA   3 385 140  
Ukraine   1 034 378 403  
total   461525 14 511 485 966 0